Midnight Mass 1977

Cathedral-Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul
Peter LaManna, Director of Music
Rosemary Hudecheck, Assistant, Director of
    Boychoir and Handbell Choir
Robert Russell, Cathedral-Basilica Organist
James Testa, Basilica Cantor
The Cathedral-Basilica Collegiate Choir
The Archdiocesan Boychoir
The Basilica Brass Ensemble
The Basilica Handbell Choir

Pre-Mass Concert
 Track 1   (2.21) O Come Come Emmanual (choirs), Rev. Angelo A. della Picca    More info
 Track 2   (2.09) Silent Night (choirs), arr. Shaw-Parker    More info
 Track 3   (6.56) Organ Interlude

The Story of Christmas and Music from "Messiah"
Cantor James Testa
 Track 4   (2.56) And the Glory of God (Collegiate Choir)
 Track 5   (8.02) For Unto Us a Child is Born    More info
 Track 6   (0.38) Lesson, Glory to God
 Track 7   (5.21) Lesson
 Track 8   (0.48) He Shall Feed His flock Like a Shephard (Boychoir)
 Track 9   (2.10) Lesson
 Track 10 (4.20) How Beautiful are the Feet of Them (Boychoir)
 Track 11 (4.43) Amen (Collegiate Choir)

Midnight Mass
 Track 12 (2.13) Processional: O Come all Ye Faithful
 Track 13 (1.04) Lord Have Mercy (choirs, organ, brass), Norman Dello Joio
 Track 14 (1.32) Glory to God (choirs, organ, brass), Norman Dello Joio
 Track 15 (4.43) Glory to God (choirs, organ, brass), Norman Dello Joio
 Track 16 (4.47) Glory to God (choirs, organ, brass), Norman Dello Joio
 Track 17 (2.46) Joy to the World, arr. Kuykendall    More info
 Track 18 (1.46) Holy, Holy, Holy
 Track 19 (2.35) Benedictus
 Track 20 (1.23) Lamb of God, Norman Dello Joio

 Track 21 (3.16) Dies Sanctificatus, G.P. de Palestrina
 Track 22 (1.32) Holy Infant, Lowly Infant (Handbell Choir), Old Polish Carol

 Track 23 (4.30) Hallelujah Chorus (Messiah), G. F. Handel
 Track 24 (4.48) Organ Postlude

If you can help identify any of the tracks, please contact Bill Russell at: wm@wfrjr.com
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Technical information:
Recorded by Robert Russell on 1/4 inch reel-to-reel tape, 4 tracks, 7.5 in/s Stereo
Digital conversion by Audio Restorations.com of Santa Rosa CA