Corpus Christi Church, Kraków

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Corpus Christi Church

Corpus Christi Church was founded by Kasimirus III The Great about 1340. The front elevation has a gothic gable while decoration of the interior is Baroque with a marvelous very high altar (17th century), massive, beautyfull stalls in the chancel (17th century) and an 18th century boat-shaped pulpit. In the early 17th century, Canons Regular of Saint Augustine added the 70m tall tower with manneristic copula, three church porches on the northen, southern and western sides, topped by copulas with lanterns, the mentioned canon's stall and the main altar.

The top of the gorgeous western facade, finished in 1477, is topped by pinnacles and ornamented by reliefs of Christ, Saint Mary, Saint John and the two emblems of Poland and Lithuania.

Photo 559, May 2007

Corpus Christi Church

Photo 553, May 2007

Corpus Christi Church, tower, as seen over the rooftops

Photo 547, May 2007

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