Vietnam Veteran's Memorial

Vietnam Veteran's Memorial

Like the war it commemorates, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial inspires a powerful reaction. But while the Vietnam War marked one of the most divisive eras in American history, the memorial has proved to be a unifying force for the nation.

The centerpiece of the site is a gleaming black granite wall, etched with the names of the almost 60,000 casualties of the conflict in Vietnam.

It was designed by Maya Lin, a 21-year-old architecture student from Yale whose proposal was selected from more than a thousand entries in the country's largest-ever design competition.

Her somber plan was controversial at the time of its construction in 1982, but today it is the most-visited monument in Washington, and the emotions on display, especially among Vietnam veterans, are a testament to its effect.

Photo 197, Nov 2008

Vietnam Veteran's Memorial

The stark black wall anchors the memorial, forming a slight V-shape with one end pointing to the Washington Monument and the other to the Lincoln Memorial. The names of the casualties are engraved in quadrants according to the date of death.

Even if you knew no one involved in the war, you can't help but be moved by the sight of countless names of people who gave their lives for their country halfway around the world.

Photo 198, Nov 2008

Vietnam Veteran's Memorial

Photo 199, Nov 2008

Vietnam Veteran's Memorial

On the grounds of the Vietnam Veteran's Memorial is "The Statue of the Three Servicemen," which depicts soldiers in action and was added to the site amid criticism that the wall did not properly commemorate the role of those who fought.

Photo 195, Nov 2008

Vietnam Veteran's Memorial

The Statue of the Three Servicemen

Photo 194, Nov 2008

Vietnam Veteran's Memorial

The Statue of the Three Servicemen

Photo 196, Nov 2008

Vietnam Veteran's Memorial

On the grounds of the Vietnam Veteran's Memorial is the Vietnam Women's Memorial, with a statue and a circle of trees for the the eight women who died during the war.

Photo 200, Nov 2008

Vietnam Veteran's Memorial

On the grounds of the Vietnam Veteran's Memorial is the Vietnam Women's Memorial, with a statue and a circle of trees for the the eight women who died during the war.

Photo 204, Nov 2008

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