Resistance, Resistivity
Circuits   electronics   resistors   capacitors

Resistance of a wire in Ω
R = ρL/A
ρ is resistivity of the material in Ω-m
L is length in meters
A is cross-sectional area in m²
A = πr², r is radius of wire in m
resistivity Cu 17.2e-9 Ω-m

conductivity = σ = 1/ρ
Conductance = 1/R = A/ρL = Aσ/L

Stretched wire
If you stretch it so that it is K longer
then cross-sectional area goes down by K
R goes up by K²

If you stretch it so that diameter reduces by K,
then area decreases by K², length goes up by K²
and R goes up by K⁴

Sheet resistance
Rs, in ohms per square, Ω/⃞) is the
  resistance of a film of material.
Rs = resistivity / thickness
Resistance of the sheet is R = Rs(L/W)

drift velocity Vd
Vd = I / nqA
   I is current
   n is the number of charge carriers per m³
     for copper, 8.5e28 electrons per m³
   A is the cross sectional area in m²
   A = πr², r is radius of wire in m
   q is the charge of the charge carriers (electrons)
   q = –1.602e–19 Coulomb (charge on an electron)
Vd = mσΔV / ρεfℓ
  m is molecular mass of the conductor in kg
     (mol mass in g / 1000)
  σ is electric conductivity of the conductor in S/m (Siemens/meter)
    (1/resistivity in Ω-m)
  ΔV is the voltage across the conductor
  ρ is the density in kg/m³
  ε is the elementary charge, in C
     (1.602e–19 Coulomb)
  f  is the number of free electrons per atom
  ℓ is the length of the conductor, in m

P = E*I
P = E²/R
P = I²R
1HP = 746 watts
1 amp = 1 coulomb per second
       = 6.242e18 electrons per sec

Ohm's law
For constant R and varying current, E = IR, E and I
  are proportional
For constant R and varying voltage, I = E/R, E and I
  are proportional
For constant voltage and varying R, I = E/R, current
  is inversely proportional to resistance.
For constant voltage and varying current, R = E/I,
  resistance is inversely proportional to current.
For constant current and varying R, E = IR, voltage
  is proportional to resistance
For constant current and varying voltage, R = E/I,
  resistance is proportional to voltage

Temperature Change in Resistance
Rt = Ro(1 + α∆T)
   α is temperature coef in /ºC
R = L/Aσ
σ = L/AR
σ is conductivity in 1/Ω-m

α for copper is 0.0039 /ºC
α for Aluminum is 0.0039 /ºC
α for nickel is 0.006 /ºC
α for iron is 0.005 /ºC
α for silver is 0.0038 /ºC
α for Tungston is 0.0045 /ºC
α for Zinc is 0.0037 /ºC
α for tin is 0.0045 /ºC
α for nichrome is 0.0004 /ºC
α for Carbon (amorphous) is –0.0005 /ºC
α for mercury is 0.0009 /ºC
α for Constantan is 0.000008 /ºC
α for Manganin is 0.000002 /ºC

Volume Resistivity
resistivity Ag 15.9e-9 Ω-m
resistivity Cu 17.2e-9 Ω-m or 17.2e-6 ohm-mm
resistivity Au 22.14e-9 Ω-m
resistivity Al 28.2e-9 Ω-m
resistivity brass 35e-9 Ω-m
resistivity W 56e-9 Ω-m
resistivity Zn 68e-9 Ω-m
resistivity Ni 69e-9 Ω-m
resistivity Fe 100e-9 Ω-m
resistivity Chromium 125e-9 Ω-m
resistivity Steel (cast) 160e-9 Ω-m
resistivity Pt 105e-9 Ω-m
resistivity Pb 208e-9 Ω-m
resistivity Hg 961e-9 Ω·m
resistivity Stainless steel (304) 750e-9 Ω-m
resistivity constantan 500e-9 Ω-m
resistivity Nichrome 1500e-9 Ω-m
resistivity carbon 6–40 µΩm
resistivity silicon 640–1000 Ωm
resistivity germanium 0.5-1 Ωm
Resistivity of pure water is 182 kΩ·m
Resistivity of sea water is 0.2 Ω·m

density resistivity (resistivity x density)
Al 28.2e-9 Ω-m * 2700 kg/m³ = 76e-6 Ω-kg/m²
Cu 17.2e-9 Ω-m * 8960 kg/m³ = 154e-6 Ω-kg/m²
Ag 15.9e-9 Ω-m * 10500 kg/m³ = 167e-6 Ω-kg/m²
Au 22.14e-9 Ω-m * 19300 kg/m³ = 427e-6 Ω-kg/m²
Zn 68e-9 Ω-m * 7130 kg/m³ = 485-6 Ω-kg/m²
Fe 100e-9 Ω-m * 7870 kg/m³ = 787e-6 Ω-kg/m²
W 56e-9 Ω-m * 19300 kg/m³ = 1080e-6 Ω-kg/m²
Pt 105e-9 Ω-m * 21500 kg/m³ = 2257-6 Ω-kg/m²

Color Codes
0 Black
1 Brown
2 Red
3 Orange
4 Yellow
5 Green
6 Blue
7 Violet
8 Gray
9 White
5% Gold x0.1
10% Silver x0.01

K (silver) 10%
J (gold) 5%
F (brown) 1%
G (red) 2%
D (green) 0.5%
C (blue) 0.25%
B (violet) 0.1%
 (grey) 0.05%

Standard values 10%
10, 12, 15, 18, 22, 27, 33, 39, 47, 56, 68, 82, 100
and multiples of these values
Standard values 5%
10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 27, 30, 33,
 36, 39, 43, 47, 51, 56, 62, 68, 75, 82, 91, 100


Area, Volume
Atomic Mass
Black Body Radiation
Boolean Algebra
Center of Mass
Carnot Cycle
Complex numbers
Curves, lines
Flow in fluids
Fourier's Law
Greek Alphabet
Horizon Distance
Math   Trig
Math, complex
Maxwell's Eq's
Newton's Laws
Octal/Hex Codes
Orbital Mechanics
Parts, Analog IC
  Digital IC   Discrete
Prime Numbers
Relativistic Motion
Resistance, Resistivity
SI (metric) prefixes
Skin Effect
Specific Heat
Stellar magnitude
Thermal Conductivity
Thermal Expansion
Units, Conversions
Volume, Area
Wave Motion
Wire, Cu   Al   metric
Young's Modulus