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American Herring Gull

The American herring gull or Smithsonian gull (Larus smithsonianus or Larus argentatus smithsonianus) is a large gull that breeds in North America, where it is treated by the American Ornithologists' Union as a subspecies of herring gull (L. argentatus).

Adults are white with gray back and wings, black wingtips with white spots, and pink legs. Immature birds are gray-brown and are darker and more uniform than European herring gulls, with a darker tail.

It occurs in a variety of habitats including coasts, lakes, rivers and garbage dumps. Its broad diet includes invertebrates, fish, and many other items. It usually nests near water, laying around three eggs in a scrape on the ground.

Photo 94, Isle of Shoals, July 2019


Seagull and boat "Who Cares", Halifax Harbor, NS.

Gulls or seagulls are seabirds of the family Laridae in the sub-order Lari. They are most closely related to the terns (family Sternidae) and only distantly related to auks, skimmers, and more distantly to the waders. Gulls are typically medium to large birds, usually grey or white, often with black markings on the head or wings. They typically have harsh wailing or squawking calls, stout, longish bills, and webbed feet. Most gulls, particularly Larus species, are ground-nesting carnivores, which will take live food or scavenge opportunistically. Live food often includes crabs and small fish. Gulls have unhinging jaws which allow them to consume large prey. Apart from the kittiwakes, gulls are typically coastal or inland species, rarely venturing far out to sea.

Photo 211, Sept 2003

Seagull near Rockland Breakwater Light, Rockland ME

Photo 35, Sept 2003

Seagull, at summit, Bar Harbor ME

Photo 50, Sept 2003

Herring Gull on the railing at the inn (Larus argentatus)

Provincetown Sept 2015

Photo 38

Herring Gull at the Inn

Provincetown Sept 2015

Photo 71

Herring Gull

Provincetown Sept 2015

Photo 81

Herring Gull diving

Provincetown Sept 2015

Photo 85

At the inn, a herring gull

Provincetown Sept 2015

Photo 141

At the inn, a herring gull

Provincetown Sept 2015

Photo 142

At the inn, a herring gull

Provincetown Sept 2015

Photo 144

Provincetown Inn, herring gull

Provincetown Sept 2015

Photo 250

Herring gulls and yellowlegs

Provincetown Sept 2015

Photo 253

Herring gulls and yellowlegs

Provincetown Sept 2015

Photo 254

Herring gull

Provincetown Sept 2015

Photo 256

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